Month: September 2023

Trains, Planes and Automobiles

Alongside the realisation of 33: Patterns of Making, time was also afforded to discussing ideas for the next project. En-route began with individual data extracted from summer holiday travel being collated onto a shared spreadsheet. This included date, mode of transport (on each individual day), length of journey time and postcode of destination. After discussing and reviewing the information we realised we would have to differentiate between walking as part of a journey and walking as a separate sightseeing activity, thus offering further data to consider. 

Early interactions led to ideas based on a concertina fold and a system of coloured stripes reminiscent of deck chairs and/or wind-breaks to represent each journey type, however as the concept progressed it became evident that the required process was over-ambitious and not time-efficient. 

Having taken time to reconsider the direction of the project, we arrived at a series of decisions, namely: 
• The book title was altered to Round Trip and ideas tested for using individual overall mileage as a graphic device.
• Using individual data, we will each produce a 12pp bound book, to be collated within a glassine envelope.
• Size, format and paper stock were determined by the size of the envelope.
• The books will be designed and produced independently, with a shared digital ‘key’ as a separate element within the envelope.

This process, whilst partly indicative of previous project Recovered/Recorded, will enable the opportunity to develop a new working practice with each making an individual response which will be presented collectively.

Making Patterns: The Process of Collective Realisation

Decision making continued throughout June, with further FaceTime meetings offering opportunities to clarify thinking and confirm next steps.  Materials were purchased and a making-day planned for mid-August to collectively conclude the project.  In preparation for this, the process of production was considered and individual actions identified to contribute to the collective realisation of this project.

In the established spirit of making-days, first activities began immediately with production of interpreted data on different shaped self-adhesive labels alongside social interactions. Colour, pattern, and typewritten makings were added enabling all data to be viewed collectively for the first time. Whilst some elements were successful, others were less so and halfway through the making day changes to the aesthetic and materiality of the final concertina were discussed, trialled, and undertaken in collaboration.

Finally realised, the book offers an abstract timeline of our individual and collective artistic journeys and visualises the similarities and differences in our daily working practices.  The book, 33: Patterns of Making, is shared on The Caseroom Press and will be presented at The Small Publishers Fair 2023.